1 Corinthians 13 for Homeschoolers

The Homeschooler's Love Chapter

1 Corinthians 13

"revised" by Heather Miller

1Though I read every homeschooling book on the market and attend every conference in a hundred-mile radius, but have not love, I have become just so much annoying background noise.

2And though I have scanned every curriculum catalog out there, and studied every homeschool method you can think of, and though I believe totally in the ways we have chosen - so that I know my kids will be well-educated -  but have not love, I am nothing more than a boring old know-it-all.

3And though I teach at the co-op and donate our used books, and take the kids out to community service, but have not love, it is all worthless busyness.

4Love suffers long (on math problems your child just doesn't "get") and is kind (even to the criticizing neighbors); love does not envy (not even the $6000-plus a year per student that the public schools get to spend out of your tax money); love does not parade itself (no matter how much smarter your kids are than the kids down the street), it is not puffed up (not even if your child wins the national spelling bee).

5Love does not behave rudely (no matter how many times you get asked "what about socialization?"), does not seek its own (no matter how much you want to prove people wrong), is not provoked (not even when someone bashes homeschooling right in front of you), thinks no evil (it is not OK to hope that your sister's kids grow up to be thugs just so you can say "I told you so").

6Love does not rejoice in iniquity (not even when those kids do grow up to be thugs), but rejoices in the truth (because those parents need your encouragement now more than ever).

7Love bears all things (cranky toddlers, hyper kids, hormonal teenagers), believes all things (hard as it is sometimes, the end result will be worth it), hopes all things (some day they'll be admirable young adults and they'll thank me for sticking with them!), endures all things (even criticism and doubt).

8Love never fails. But where we put our trust in experts, they will fail, where we put our faith in curriculum, it will fail, where we trust in books and methods, they will fail.

9For experts and books know only in part.

10But when that which is perfect has come (love), then that which is in part will be done away.

11When I was a new homeschooler, I spoke as a newbie, I understood as a newbie, but the more homeschool years I tucked under my belt, the more I realized the truth.

12For in the beginning of our homeschool journey, we see the future as an uncertain dream, but at the end we will see God's plans fulfilled. Now we know in part and do our human best, but then, at the end of our journey, we shall see our children as God has always seen them.

13And now abide faith (that we are doing God's will), hope (for the future of our children), love (for our children just as they are this very moment), these three, but the greatest thing we can give our children, now and forever, is our unconditional love.

©Heather Miller 2008

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!! Now if we could write one about all the people who ask..."are those ALL your kids?whoa you have your hands full"! Lol....I know, love is patient :)
    Really though....This is relly great and love provoking in a practical way....



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